Attainment :2 I think my understanding of the work is very good.
Effort: 1 I put a lot of effort into my blog and class work.
Punctuality: 1my punctuality has been excellent this term I have not been late to any of my media lessons.
Submission and quality of homework: 1 my homework is always on time and I have put a lot of effort into it this term.
Ability to work independently: 1 I think I work very well independently.
Quality of writing: 2/3I think my writing has improved slightly since the last interim report. Moreover, I started to use key media terms to improve my writing.
Organisation of Media folder: 1 I got all my notes in the media folder and in order now.
Oral contributions in class: 2/3 I contribute now and then to lessons
Standard of Module 5 blog: 1
Standard of Module 6 blog: 2
targets/areas for improvement:
improve quality of writing
contribute more to both media lessons