Adventure film: is one of the sub genres in Shrek 2. It is a film genre where the characters are placed in an exciting and often dangerous location far away from home. For example in Shrek 2 when Shrek goes to “far far away” to meet Fiona’s parents. Characters frequently face physical challenges for instance when Shrek has to break out of jail and rescue Fiona from Prince Charming. Adventure films are usually produced for family entertainment with a range of characters to appeal to all ages, genders and ethnicities.

DreamWorks: digital animation film and television production and distribution company founded by Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenburg and David Geffen in 1994, a rival to Disney and producer of Shrek and Shrek 2 (Andrew Adamson, 2001 and 2004)

Femme fatale: a female character who uses her sexuality often in a devious, disreputable, secretive ways, to achieve the ends she desires. An example of this is in snow white and the seven dwarfs, the evil queen is extremely beautiful and vain and in the film she seduces the widowed king.

Hero: the principal male or female protagonist in any narrative, with whom the audience identifies and who exhibits moral virtues in line with dominant ideology. In shrek 2 Shrek is the hero.
Representation: the process whereby the media construct versions of people, places and events in images, words or sound for transmission through media texts to an audience.
Representations provide models of how we see gender, social groups, individuals and aspects of the world we all inhabit. They are ideological in that they are constructed within a framework of values and beliefs. Representations are therefore mediated and reflect the value system of their sources. No representation is ever real, only a version of the real.
Representations are part of cultural mythology and reflect deep-seated values and beliefs for example of such places the north of England, Scotland and America.Representation is the key to many media debates as is usually described as being positive or negative, depending on the view of the group being represented. Achieving positive representations has been a goal of minority groups who have criticised the perceived negativity of media stereotypes for example gays, ethnic minorities, religious minorities, disability and women.
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