Tuesday, January 4 2005, 08:40 UTC - by Daniel Saney

Animated sequel Shrek 2 was the biggest-selling VHS/DVD of 2004 in the United States, selling a total of 37 millions units, according to the Hollywood Reporter. Of the 37m copies sold, 21.6m were on DVD format. Combined sales of DVDs and VHS copies have amassed around $458m in total. In the hysteria of buying the sequel, there has also been a great boost for the sales of the original Shrek, bringing the sale of an extra 5.6m units. The film has now sold an estimated 47m copies.Though the statistics are not yet final the movie is expected to be followed in the rankings by The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and Spiderman 2 in the US chart.Shrek 2 is the biggest-selling home video release ever in the UK.
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