Sunday, May 27, 2007

Plan (Jan 07A) representation

Examine the reasons why stereotypes within the media have changed over time.

Define stereotype:
Stereotyping is categorising people into groups based on characteristics they share in common.

Why they exist:
♥ Short hand for audience
♥ There to be challenged

Examples and why they change:
♥ feminism
Women are more independent, active- drive the narrative forward this challenges the stereotype of women being “looked-at-ness”
Kill bill- main protagonist- we identify with Uma Thurman

More female artists e.g. girl bands, female singers
It wasn’t common for women compose songs
Spice girls promoted “girl power”

Rebekah wade editor for successful tabloid paper “The Sun” where in the past news and politics was totally male dominated but there a few females there now.

♥ Increase in the “brown pound”-
Goodness Gracious Me
Family trying to be like the “Brown Englishman”

♥ Audience
The audience are broader now because of immigration. Therefore institutions like the BBC need to cater for them.
They have to help promote the Diversity policy which is to Attempt to reflect diverse people whether it is TV, radio or online and the Cultural diversity network which is an organisation that tries to make sure that there are more ethnic minorities on TV

1 comment:

Macguffin said...

A good start...nothing really to object to here.

Just make sure you include the 'f-word' (feminism) and refer explicitly to the 'brown pound' (which I know you would!)